Summer Water Rose

Summer Water Rose

Summer Water Rose comes from Central Coast, California USA and is produced and bottled in Acampo, California.

It’s considered a dry Rose that is low-sulfur and low-sugar from a winemaking perspective.

And according to Summer Water, this wine was the top Rose in Wine Enthusiast’s list of 100 Best Wines in 2019.

The 2021 vintage (the one in this review) rated a 91 in the same magazine and also was named an “Editor’s Choice.”

In keeping the honest in Honest Wine Reviews, if you click on the links in this review and go on to make a purchase, I’ll make a small commission at no additional cost to you.  With that said, I paid out of pocket for this wine and my reviews are always honest, no matter what.

Summer Water Rose Wine Review

According to this wine’s tasting notes, this wine is a blend and its fruit was picked “early in the harvest season for a natural acidity and year-round drink-ability.”

And, fun fact, Summer Water is actually one of the brands of Winc wines.

From the bottle:

Summer is a state of mind.

I tasted the 2021 vintage of Summer Water Rose.


This wine had a twist-off cap and appeared steely pink colored in the glass.

The wine itself was leggy, but the legs were narrow and quick to fall, hinting at the wine’s low alcohol content and lightness in body.


I found this wine to be lightly aromatic, with hints of strawberry and melon.

There was no burn of alcohol in the nose, which was as expected.

Summer Water Rose alcohol content 12.5% by volume, per the bottle.


I found this wine’s taste to be pleasantly dry with flavors of citrus and orange peel zest.

Given the wine’s somewhat sweet aroma, the flavor was less sweet than anticipated and that was good.

I felt the taste was elegant and light in body with flavors focused on the sides of the tongue.

Most people would suggest this wine be chilled before serving.

While I didn’t chill it before tasting, I thought the wine had a cool and crisp taste, nonetheless.


I found the wine’s mouthfeel to be like delicate ginger beer in texture without the ginger punch.

I also noted some light acidity, which hinted at its ability to cut through a mildly butter-seafood type dish.


Giving it a good sip, I discovered a medium-length finish.

No significant tannins noted, with the aforementioned zest carrying the flavor.

Overall Opinion of Summer Water Rose

Overall, I found Summer Water Rose to be quite enjoyable.

I appreciated its low-alcohol and low-sugar makeup and found that to make this wine very approachable.

It sips as a true dry Rose.  Not one that is marketed as a Rose, but ends up being a sugar bomb.

Summer Water Rose price $19.99 and I picked this bottle up at my local package store.

Suggested Food Pairing

You could simply sip this wine on its own or pair it with a light seafood dish or salad.


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