
Jon Rogers, Wine Reviewer
Hi, I’m Jon and welcome to Honest Wine Reviews, a website dedicated to wine consumers just like you.
I’m the founder, owner and operator of this site. Great to have you here!
On this site you’ll find my reviews of over 200 wines, plus reviews of several of the popular wine clubs, too.
You’ll also discover over 1,000 comments across all the reviews I’ve done. I love it when people share their opinions and don’t mind it at all when people disagree. That helps everyone make a smart choice when choosing a wine.
Over the past twelve years, I have personally tasted each wine that I have reviewed on this site. I’ve also been sure to include my original pictures of the bottles of each wine I’ve tasted.
Additionally, all reviews are written solely by a human (me).
There is no AI generated content on this site, nor is there any content written by any third-party writers that may have generated any AI content.
Continuing on, I always give my honest opinion of each wine that I try and I cover everything from the upscale to the cheap stuff.
Each review is done by me and from the viewpoint of the everyday wine consumer. Why? Because that’s what I am, a typical wine consumer. And I believe that’s what people most like to know… The opinion of a typical wine consumer.
Many of the wine reviews on this site are for the wines you’ll find in your nearby stores and restaurants. I know that wine lists on restaurant menus and racks of endless wine bottles on store shelves can be overwhelming.
So, I try to review the wines you’re likely to find when you’re out and about looking for a wine. I say, why not read my wine reviews first and then decide what to buy or order, right?
At the end of the day, I think taste in wine is truly personal. Don’t be intimidated by so called gurus or connoisseurs. Decide for yourself what you like and don’t like.
I hope this site helps you do just that!